1. Who is -
Tiffany Fontana
2. Where are you from or live now?
I was born and raised in Los Gatos, CA, but my life has been anything but stationary. After stints in New York and nearly fifteen years in São Paulo, Brazil, I’m now enjoying life in Travelers Rest, SC. Each place has taught me something different about home.
3. What are your inspirations?
I believe that at some point, everyone will face adversity, suffer loss, or question whether they have the strength to carry on. Even day-to-day struggles can take a heavy toll. But no matter how much we lose, God is still enough. My faith reminds me of this truth, and my children inspire me to strive for a life filled with love, hope, and purpose.
4. What is your business or career choice?
I am working toward becoming a successful author and pursuing more speaking opportunities to share my story, sparking change and conversations in the faith community about the challenges women face. Stepping into a political role to bring meaningful change for families and communities is also a path I’d welcome.
5. What are some of the obstacles that you have overcome as a single woman?
Beyond the devastating experiences I’ve faced with domestic violence and parental child abduction, I’ve had to rebuild my life from the ground up as a single mother. This meant learning to advocate for my family by navigating complex and often mismanaged social service programs—securing safe and affordable housing, accessing healthcare, and meeting basic needs. It also meant addressing the emotional toll, including healing from complex PTSD. While these challenges were overwhelming at times, each obstacle ultimately equipped me with the tools and perspective to help others facing similar struggles.
6. How did you overcome it?
(did I answer this in the above question?)
7. What was the biggest challenge that held you back to stay in a situation?
The biggest challenge that held me back was fear—fear of the unknown, of failure, and of what would happen if I took a step away from the life I was in. As a woman, my sense of identity and value was deeply tied to the idea of belonging in my marriage. Society often conditions women to believe that a successful marriage is a reflection of their worth, and I internalized that belief. I stayed, not because the marriage was safe—it wasn’t—but because I clung to hope: hope that things might get better, hope that he might change. When you love the person harming you, it makes the choice to leave very hard. Leaving also felt impossible because I had no roadmap, no safety net, and no one to turn to, especially when everything unraveled abroad in Brazil.
When my children were abducted, the fear was magnified. I was in a foreign country, isolated, and powerless against a system that seemed indifferent to my pain. I realized that I stayed in the relationship far longer than I should have, trying to piece together a solution. In hindsight, I see that it was the fear of losing everything that kept me from acting sooner.
8. How did it affect you? Your children (if you have children) Your family? Your
The impact was devastating. For me, it shattered my sense of identity—I was no longer a wife or a mother in the ways I had envisioned. The trauma left scars—some visible, many hidden—but it also revealed a strength I didn’t know I had.
For my children, the abduction and abuse disrupted their lives in ways that are almost impossible to put into words. They were torn from their home, their mother, and their sense of security. My eldest daughter, Belle, remains in Brazil, deepening the pain of estrangement. Yet each day I choose hope, believing that restoration is possible and giving myself grace when I feel the weight of the loss bearing down on me. The trauma left emotional wounds for all of us—wounds we’re still working to heal.
As for my family and friends, the experience brought both challenges and blessings. While some relationships grew stronger, others became strained under the weight of judgment or discomfort—a common struggle for survivors of domestic violence. Despite this, I found new, meaningful connections with those who offered support, empathy, and understanding.

9. What did you learn from your situation?
I learned that pain and trauma are powerful forces that can shape us in one of two ways: they can weaken us, leaving us bitter, terrified, and hopeless, or they can transform us into stronger, more compassionate, and more resilient individuals. I chose the latter.
Hardship taught me that the meaning we place on our experiences determines who we become on the other side of them. I chose to see my story as one of survival and grace. I learned to fully trust in God, even in the most hopeless circumstances. That faith gave me the courage to fight for my children and rebuild my life from the ashes, and it still drives me today as I work toward becoming the mother, advocate, and woman I've always hoped to be.
Lastly, I’ve come to realize that the guilt survivors feel for staying in situations like mine is heavy, but it’s misplaced. The burden should never be on a woman to endure or fix a dangerous relationship. Sometimes, yes, there is suffering because of our own choices, but we cannot control the choices of others that hurt us. In the end, I learned that hardship reveals both the depths of human compassion and the limits of certain relationships.

10. Say one word to describe yourself and why.
Life has brought me seasons of pain, loss, and longing, but through God’s strength, I’ve endured without losing hope. Even when certainty was nowhere in sight, I found a way to keep moving forward.
11. How are you helping others with the life situations you have faced or are
As a board member for Shine the Light for Abducted Children, I help families facing the heartbreak of parental child abduction, alienation, and estrangement—issues that affect thousands of families each year. My experience with domestic violence has shown me how vital it is to provide meaningful resources, especially for women in crisis. Telling people you've been hurt the same way they have creates a powerful connection, and this connection can help open the doors for healing.
As a single mom, I focus on raising my children to embody resilience, compassion, and faith, preparing them to lead lives of integrity and purpose while supporting their healing process. I also hope to publish my memoir, which shares the hard-won lessons I've learned, offers companionship to others in times of struggle, and highlights the grace, faith, and strength that God provides when walking through the broken and painful steps of life.
Looking ahead, I’d like to enter the political sphere to help bridge the gap between existing laws and the lived realities of families in crisis. While international laws and policies address these issues, their inconsistent application often leaves families without proper justice or support.
12. Do you hope to have a personal relationship in the future, and will it affect my
career of being a single successful woman?
Thankfully, through healing, forgiveness, and time, I’ve learned that true contentment comes from within and from embracing my identity as defined by God. While I believe everyone deserves a healthy, safe, and loving relationship, I’ve found deep fulfillment in this season of life—focusing on my children, advocacy work, and personal growth. I want other women to know that their self-worth and ability to thrive are not defined by their relationship status, but by the purpose they pursue and the lives they touch.
I’ve also created resources like “Beautiful, True Things God Says About You,” available on my website to inspire others in developing a healthy and confident mindset.
13. What are your social media handles?
Website: tiffanyfontana.com
Instagram: @tiffanyfontana
Facebook: @TiffanyNicoleFontana
LinkedIn: @Tiffany Fontana

14. As a Single woman in focus today what is one advice you would give to help
encourage another single female to stay focused?
After the abduction of my four children in Brazil, my life was shattered, but it was the strength of the women who embraced me that carried me through. Whether through the meals they prepared and shared, the shelter they offered, or simply by holding my hand in prayer, their support became a lifeline. My advice to any single woman is to seek out strong, positive, like-minded women who can uplift you during difficult times. Surround yourself with those who remind you of your worth, encourage your growth, and walk alongside you in faith and friendship.