About the recent release of the movie "Your Letter" written and directed by Pat Styles with the assistance of Brittany A Styles, and Kayla Dillard Dorian Talley who helped Produce the film.
Your Letter Movie Premiere on 1/13/24 at Camelot Movie Theater in Greenville, SC captured the attention of over 500 people in one single night.

The house was packed and it was great to see a few of my friends and Co-actors featured in this movie.
The people’s review Video clearly states the opinions and view points of the movie. You can click the link and watch the video here.
Video pictures of special moments
One thing I did notice is the black community showed a lot of support for this film with Brittney A Styles and Pat Styles. But of course Focus Forward with Robin put her mark in the room to add alittle salt with the pepper and a few others did too. However, diversity still needs work in Greenville SC when it comes to supporting film makers. As my followers know I dont take sides but I only saw filmmakers of one culture in the room.

However, I've always been a huge fan of Pat Styles and his stage plays. He chooses his Actors to fit the right role for the performances. And with this new first movie by Isaybaw films, he didn't make any wrong selections from how I saw it. Especially with Actor Kimberly Newsome and Reginald Haskins Jr. And The character they portrayed made the audience emotions filled with rage.
Because if you know these two personally, this is not their true character.

Although the movie is definitely an adult rated movie, the Actors were on point and the story line starts of with a family business that gets taken away by two ruthless people. The business owner dies and his son is bitter and goes after for revenge. What started with a letter of loss & sudden death ends with a letter of loss and sudden death. The suspense was an "attention catcher" and had a cliffhanger at the end.

The movie consists of sexual nudity and violence. But the reviews that came through fit the crowds preference. Focus Forward with Robin was excited to be in room seeing the excitement and I look forward to part 2 of Your Letter. There has to be a part 2 right?
This movie highlights real life from Bougie, Ratchet, Sophisticated, and the streets as well.
Isaybae Films & Final Touch Productions and Partner Dorian Talley & Pat Styles congradulations of the success responses to your first new feature film.

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Who is Robin Shockley?
About the Blogger:
Robin Shockley is the Founder of “Focus Forward with Robin”. She is a Writer of magazines, and radio/TV Host, Actress, Community Servant-Leader, Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker, and Author of books. She believes there is freedom to move forward in life to think, believe and achieve a thing.
Robin Shockley is a social media network blogger and interviewer who travels the country showcasing small businesses for social media branding through her expertise of Public Relations with writing and video WHY story interviews partnered with 106 Live Radio out of Atlanta and Mr Big South Music Management Studio to feature Tasteful Tips and Trips Food Podcast in Charlotte.
For events or speaking engagements that you would like Robin to attend in your city and
for bookings email booking@robinshockley.com
Focus Forward with Robin brand issues to the public food & movie Reviews, press releases, articles, and Focus Friday motivation speeches with #Focusforwardwithrobin at www.robinshockley.com
Folllow Focus Forward with Robin page on FB for motivational content.
