Wow!!! My guest Lakeisha Cooper-Wilson who will be on the Voice of Vision and Truth Podcast is going to truly bless those who are hurt, but want healing to get to the next level of purpose in their life. She wants the people of God to learn how to forgive their abuser and to overcome the rape, domestic violence, so they can take their power back and to move on with their lives and to pursue the calling on their lives.
Be sure to tune in 9pm Monday night Nov 28th 2022 with Robin Shockley.
*** reminder this podcast is strictly based on promoting positivity of healing to share your story. This is not to promote businesses but to promote awareness of those people who have come from trauma to Triumph. (To book a Focus Forward with Robin interview for business promotion email booking@robinshockley)
If you have a story about healing and you would like to share it on my podcast please email robin@robinshockley.com with a headshot and a brief description of your story or bio and I will get you added to the schedule. We broadcast every Monday night at 9 o’clock live until God says different. 
You can watch the video here.